App name: E-Meta
E-Meta is connected to students and focuses on specific learning content like student quizzes, notes, assignments, and past papers. This type of platform is related to student education. Students view, upload, and download learning content, and they can also communicate with other students in a public and individual chat.
Product Features:
1-User Management Module
Admin and Student can register
Instructor can register
Users can setup profile (personal info, picture info)
Users can reset their password
Login with email and password
User forgot password
User can logout
2-Study Material Module
Users can view, upload, update, and delete content
Users can upload content publicly and privately
Users can download study material
Users can delete content for me and for everyone
3- Discussion Board Module
Users can send messages individually and publicly
Users can send text and image message
Can delete messages for-me and everyone
4-Notification Module
If a student uploads content, a notification will come
If a student sends a message (text and image), a
notification will come
Notification can be in the form of text and image format
5-Feedback Module
Users can send feedback about applications
Users can put the complaint about other users
Users can contact us through email
Its 3 apps: